Computing a Full Analysis with fasstr

fasstr, the Flow Analysis Summary Statistics Tool for R, is a set of R functions to tidy, summarize, analyze, trend, and visualize streamflow data. This package summarizes continuous daily mean streamflow data into various daily, monthly, annual, and long-term statistics, completes trending and frequency analyses, with outputs in both table and plot formats.

This vignette documents the usage of the compute_full_analysis() and write_full_analysis() functions in fasstr. This vignette is a high-level adjunct to the details found in the function documentation (see ?compute_full_analysis and ?write_full_analysis). You’ll learn what arguments to provide to the function to customize your analyses, what analyses are computed, and what outputs are produced.


The full analysis functions produce a suite of tables and plots from the various fasstr functions. There are seven groups of analyses (see below) which are stored in lists in the created object for the compute_ function and written into an Excel workbook (and accompanying image files) for the write_ function. All of the data selection (data or station_number arguments), data filtering, water year selection, missing dates options, basin area, and zyp trending arguments are used in this function to customize your data and analysis.

The outputs are grouped into the following categories:

  1. Screening
  2. Long-term
  3. Annual
  4. Monthly
  5. Daily
  6. Annual Trends
  7. Low-flow Frequencies

While by default the function will create all outputs from all categories, there is the option to select which groups are analyzed using the analyses argument. By default the analyses argument is 1:7, with numbers 1 through 7 representing each of the categories as listed above. So analyses = 1 would output only the screening outputs; while analyses = c(1,3,5:7) would output all but the long-term and monthly analyses.

Functions and Data Inputs

compute_full_analysis() Object List

When using this function all of the objects will be saved within a list with a first level of lists with each of the categories as listed above (ex. $Screening or $Annual). Within each of those lists are the outputted objects, or another list of objects (ex. $Screening$Flow_Screening or $Annual$Annual_Flow_Timing). Use subsetting techniques to extract an individual tibble or plot.

The following is an example of how to run the function and then how extract individual objects from the list:

mission_creek <- compute_full_analysis(station_number = "08NM116",
                                       start_year = 1981,
                                       end_year = 2000)

screening_plot <- mission_creek$Screening$Flow_Screening_Plot

daily_stats <- mission_creek$Daily$Daily_Summary_Stats

daily_stats_with_1985 <- mission_creek$Daily$Daily_Summary_Stats_with_Years$`1985_Daily_Statistics`

trends_results <- mission_creek$Trending$Annual_Trends_Results

write_full_analysis() Excel and Image Files

The writing function provides a option to directly save all results onto your computer, thereby allowing the user to explore the outputs in Excel and image file formats. You will be required to provide the name of a the Excel file to create using the file_name argument. If the analyses in groups 5 and/or 6 are selected than a folder with the same name will be created to store a number of plots that are not suitable for the Excel file. By default it will save those plots in “pdf” format, but can be altered using the plot_filetype arguments, if necessary. Within the Excel workbook each of the tables and plots are saved within specific worksheets. The first worksheet in all outputs contain an overview of the analysis to know which arguments and options were used. The second worksheet contains the data provided to the function (the data frame or the data from HYDAT). The last worksheet (after all the analysis sheets) contain a table of fasstr functions that can replicate each individual analysis output for further customization (these functions are also contained within the comments of the cells with table and plot titles).

The following is an example of how to save all analyses to your computer:

write_full_analysis(station_number = "08NM116",
                    start_year = 1981,
                    end_year = 2000,
                    file_name = "Mission Creek")

Usage, Options, and outputs

The following is a table that lists of all objects and files (if write_to_dir = TRUE) created using the compute_full_analysis() function, with their respective section list / folder, type of object, and the function use to produce the object:

Analyses Object Type Function
1 - Screening Daily_Flows Table add_date_variables() %>% add_rolling_means() %>% add_basin_area()
1 - Screening Daily_Flows_Plot Plot plot_flow_data()
1 - Screening Flow_Screening Table screen_flow_data()
1 - Screening Flow_Screening_Plot Plot plot_data_screening()
1 - Screening Missing_Dates_Plot Plot plot_missing_dates()
2 - Longterm Longterm_Monthly_Summary_Stats_Percentiles Table calc_longterm_monthly_stats()
2 - Longterm Longterm_Monthly_Summary_Stats_Plot Plot plot_longterm_monthly_stats()
2 - Longterm Longterm_Daily_Summary_Stats_Percentiles Table calc_longterm_daily_stats()
2 - Longterm Longterm_Monthly_Means_Plot Plot plot_monthly_means()
2 - Longterm Longterm_Daily_Summary_Stats_Plot Plot plot_longterm_daily_stats()
2 - Longterm Flow_Duration_Curves Plot plot_flow_duration()
3 - Annual Annual_Summary_Stats Table calc_annual_stats()
3 - Annual Annual_Summary_Stats_Plot Plot plot_annual_stats()
3 - Annual Annual_Cumul_Volume_Stats_m3 Table calc_annual_cumulative_stats(include_seasons=TRUE)
3 - Annual Annual_Cumul_Volume_Stats_m3_Plot Multiple Plots plot_annual_cumulative_stats(include_seasons=TRUE)
3 - Annual Annual_Cumul_Yield_Stats_mm Table calc_annual_cumulative_stats(use_yield=TRUE, include_seasons=TRUE)
3 - Annual Annual_Cumul_Yield_Stats_mm_Plot Multiple Plots plot_annual_cumulative_stats(use_yield=TRUE)
3 - Annual Annual_Flow_Timing Table calc_annual_flow_timing()
3 - Annual Annual_Flow_Timing_Plot Plot plot_annual_flow_timing()
3 - Annual Annual_Normal_Days Table calc_annual_normal_days()
3 - Annual Annual_Normal_Days_Plot Plot plot_annual_normal_days()
3 - Annual Annual_Low_Flows Table calc_annual_lowflows()
3 - Annual Annual_Low_Flows_Plot Multiple Plots plot_annual_lowflows()
3 - Annual Annual_Means Plot plot_annual_means()
4 - Monthly Monthly_Summary_Stats Table calc_monthly_stats()
4 - Monthly Monthly_Summary_Stats_Plot Multiple Plots plot_monthly_stats()
4 - Monthly Monthly_Total_Cumul_Volume_m3 Table calc_monthly_cumulative_stats()
4 - Monthly Monthly_Total_Cumul_Volume_m3_Plot Plot plot_monthly_cumulative_stats()
4 - Monthly Monthly_Total_Cumul_Yield_mm Table calc_monthly_cumulative_stats(use_yield=TRUE)
4 - Monthly Monthly_Total_Cumul_Yield_mm_Plot Plot plot_monthly_cumulative_stats(use_yield=TRUE)
5 - Daily Daily_Summary_Stats Table calc_daily_stats()
5 - Daily Daily_Summary_Stats_Plot Plot plot_daily_stats()
5 - Daily Daily_Summary_Stats_with_Years Multiple Plots plot_daily_stats(add_year)
5 - Daily Daily_Total_Cumul_Volume_m3 Table calc_daily_cumulative_stats()
5 - Daily Daily_Total_Cumul_Volume_m3_Plot Plot plot_daily_cumulative_stats()
5 - Daily Daily_Total_Cumul_Volume_m3_with_Years Multiple Plots plot_daily_cumulative_stats(add_year)
5 - Daily Daily_Total_Cumul_Yield_mm Table calc_daily_cumulative_stats(use_yield=TRUE)
5 - Daily Daily_Total_Cumul_Yield_mm_Plot Plot plot_daily_cumulative_stats(use_yield=TRUE)
5 - Daily Daily_Total_Cumul_Yield_mm_with_Years Multiple Plots plot_daily_cumulative_stats(use_yield=TRUE, add_year)
6 - Trending Annual_Trends_Data Table compute_annual_trends()
6 - Trending Annual_Trends_Results Table compute_annual_trends()
6 - Trending Annual_Trends_Results_Plots Multiple Plots compute_annual_trends(include_plots=TRUE)
7 - Lowflow Frequencies Freq_Analysis_Data (lowflows) Table compute_annual_frequencies()
7 - Lowflow Frequencies Freq_Plot_Data Table compute_annual_frequencies()
7 - Lowflow Frequencies Freq_Plot Plot compute_annual_frequencies()
7 - Lowflow Frequencies Freq_Fitted_Quantiles Table compute_annual_frequencies()

Objects Examples

The following are examples of the outputs from the full analysis functions. Each plot is presented and only the first six rows from each table.

1. Screening


Daily Flows




2. Long-term






3. Annual



















4. Monthly










5. Daily



Daily_Statistics_with_Years (a folder with a plot for each year)



Daily_Cumulative_Volume_with_Years (a folder with a plot for each year)



Daily_Cumulative_Yield_with_Years (a folder with a plot for each year)

7. Low-flow Frequencies



